About Moi-Revised 2.08.18

  • I am sneaking up on the 50s trying to look smooth while I do it. I am 47 but technically closer to 50 than 40.
  • I’ve been married twice.
  • I’ve been divorced twice.
  • I’m probably not getting married again because I never wanted to be divorced.
  • Taurus and hate that I read astrology but still do and enjoy it.
  • Can be too cerebral and over thinking for my own good.
  • Not petite and never will be.
  • Have 1 dog (Thierry), 2 cats I claim(Bobcat, Spitzer). Several Strays I feed (Limpy)
  • Consider myself a benevolent capitalist.
  • The philosophy of a person I once considered a soul mate and our discussions of AA allowed me to connect me with God and spirituality.
  • Dogs changed my life. (Jack and now Dogbert, Spike and Marble will never be forgotten)
  • Community is my thing and I have a tribe.
  • I love my parents. A lot. I have two of the most awesome and different brothers known to man.
  • Can be stubborn but it hides a tender heart.
  • My faith in people gets me through. I’m losing my faith. I find myself feeling somewhat scarred.
  • I love me some Violent Femmes. Gordon Gano is my man.
  • I’m a fan of independent film but sometimes it’s too much for me and I need fluff to fill me up.
  • I have fantasies about just dropping everything, taking the animals and going somewhere and living simple. This fantasy has passed. A new one has not emerged.
  • Kauai’s is my favorite Hawaiian Island.
  • When I dance I see the souls of others and feel the rhythm of sexuality intoxicating
  • In Junior High, I used to have horrible migraines
  • Have been thin once in my adult life.
  • Sex abuse survivor.
  • I have clinical depression and take meds. I have no shame about this.
  • Am somewhat protective of my friends.
  • Have two brothers. LOVE them a lot.
  • My brothers and their wives gave me a 4 nieces and a nephew. They make my soul smile.
  • I accidentally walked in early and got to hold my niece just minutes after she was born. I cried for the first time, tears of happiness.  I did it again when I held my other niece Sophia (Jenn’s Daughter).
  • I believe in God. I speak the language of Christianity but not the dogma.
  • I don’t believe it’s a sin to be gay. I believe it’s natural and part of the bigger plan God created. Consequently, most religions and churches and I don’t see eye to eye.
  • Slow to anger but fuck with people I love and you will see ferociousness.
  • This is not how I envisioned life would be.
  • I love watching classically trained dancers and in my own head feel that it is the biggest form of physical art form. Think ballet, classic dance, ballroom, stomp, step – whatever.
  • I cracked my skull ear to ear as a child.
  • The next response is usually – Oh that explains why you are what you are. (???)
  • I grew up in and around Dallas. I made a conscious decision to live here to be close to my family.
  • I understand concepts intellectually but usually have to go through them as a reality to GET them.
  • Math teachers in high school and college pissed me off. I usually have to teach myself it to understand it but once I do, I get it.
  • Watching my dogs run is my church.
  • I used to believe that there was one special person for me. After reflection, I think that people meet when they are supposed to and come together learn and then travel on the path or off the path as needed.
  • I have many “best friends”.  They are so different and so loved.  Just long term people in your lives is a great grounding experience.
  • I feel like I was a child til almost 30
  • I have at different times been pagan, Methodist, agnostic and now consider myself spiritual.
  • I snore. Enough that my friends invented a brand of earplugs so when we go places together they can sleep.
  • I usually learn the best from pain. Or I have in the past.
  • Can be somewhat competitive but when I think I’m going to fail, I usually give up.
  • I started wearing fake nails and LOVE THEM.
  • I like my legs and am proud of the strength they have.
  • I am a recovering Control-aholic. Working the steps as they are pried out my hands.
  • I love playing the Zombie killing game but only for a bit as it gives me anxiety after awhile. I love Viva Pinata and Little Big Planet. But do not play much.
  • I wanted to have kids but know I can’t.
  • I haven’t quite worked out how I feel about that yet.
  • I sometimes fear I’m going to have a heart attack.
  • I have a stepson who I love very much even though his father and I are not together anymore.
  • I’m more content with life and less content in equal measures.  Somethings like money having it or not, bothers me less but making a difference matters more.  I suspect my advancing age has that effect.
  • I lost a best friend unexpectedly and it has changed me to the core.